Friday, May 14, 2010

Learning Pro/E at a community college

I was on mcadcentral the other day and someone was asking where to take Pro/E training in Southern California. Be careful who you learn from or you could end up teaching the class.

Your other option is if you can learn Pro/E on your own. I learned on my own too... And so can you! It just took me at least decade to master Pro/ENGINEER.

When I first began to design the Design Engine Education surfacing course it was in the way I wish I could have learned surfacing. Our class helps students learn from making those mistakes beginners make. Back when I didn't realize I was just a beginner classes were taught from a book and from a video never by challenging me with a real problem. Design Engine does not teach from any of this. We have real world problems for our students to work through using real world applications with top down design. Everyone can follow a step by step book read training tho I would rather not. Instead we allow students to try things on their own, allow them to make mistakes with instructors within questions reach.

If I had that specular highlights surfacing intensive workshop back before 1994, I could have created better models sooner, completed more project on time, modified that one project within two hours instead of 5 weeks, got that one job, kept that one job, been the last one to be let go, satisfied more managers, made more money and all with confidence. I mastered it and anyone can do it. It just took me fifteen years. I cram that experience and passion into a four week intensive.

Oh... and I thought I was an expert after 5 years. In 1997 I 'was' the surfacing expert. Now I look back at how little I knew then.